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three geese

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Much of life is crap, is boring, is routine; a bog-standard human life. However high you fly however low you sink the life that was given you was vanilla. It's up to you how you decide to use it.

We tell ourselves lies, the biggest one being that I, the essential core of what I am about, has messed up because of what some others have done to us. In most cases.

I add the rider because, given power, you can indeed do horrible things to the insides of another human being's head.

Most of us have someone[s] who love us, they may make mistakes, mistakes that you remember, mistakes that hurt us, but excusing your performance based on a mistake that some loved-one made, with your best interests in forefront of their mind? That seems a wee bit slippy.

I deliberately didn't mention inequality of oppertunity above, because all of the great things about life are available to every human.

This morning, walking to work in the dawn, listening to every bird in the world singing their hearts  out, I saw three Canada Geese ignoring me on the canal.


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Better ignored than chased!  I like wild geese and am frightened by domestic geese - they're so big!!