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Edited by Neil Anderson, Tuesday, 30 Apr 2013, 21:43

Diophantines. Tonight.

Maths has been getting to be a bit of a stretch for me for a while now and M381 will maybe, probably, be my last maths course.

[Although I feel a bit contractually bound to doing M209 because of my mate Chris. Actually I will have to have a look at the dark side sometime, and feeling that I am doing it for Chris will help.]

This has been hard for me, this being the OU stuff. A lot of it has come easy—computer stuff, a lot of it has been challenging—early maths stuff, lately maths has been a batcrap crazy madness that makes you feel that you are climbing down a wall with weights tied onto your head; weights that float.

But there are times; like tonight. Tonight when I began to see a structure in numbers that I wouldn't have see without the work I've put in. I'm still scrabbling at the harling, of the wall, of the building, that is part of, the maths complex.

Today I saw something that Fermat saw, and I saw it without a prompt. Doesn't matter that I was a horse lead to drink.

I saw it for myself. That matters.




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