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Ras Albert Williams


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Edited by Albert Williams, Sunday, 21 Aug 2011, 14:15

Hello There!smile

Well, hello might be the appropriate greeting phrase since the reader of this blog, in all probability has never met the author, but let's hope that as the course progresses that we can become sort of virtual classmates.

My name is Albert Williams, I was born in the UK, but spent the better part of 32 years in the lovely, Caribbean Island of the Commonwealth of Dominica(not the Dominica Republic) where I was raised eating coconuts, bananas and mangoes, and dasheen, yams and sweet potatoes and flying fish. And bathing in lurk warm rivers and sees, and jumping up on Carnival Monday and Tuesday and doing all the things that Caribbean youths do growing up.

I am a mature students here at Open University, meaning that I am just over 18 years old(just kidding) actually, I am 48 years, 3 months and 20 days and ...young, and I am signed up to begin the M150 Data, Computing and Information module in a few days, working my way towards a qualification, in BSc (Honours) Computing and  IT which is a Bachelor of Science (that what BSc stands for), undergraduate degree.

Actually, I am not a bachelor, I am happily married. I am a published author of a few books of poetry, a book of short stories and had a stint as a newspaper and I have been a freelance contributor for as long as I can remember. I also dabble a bit in music, to be precise: reggae.

This year, my wife and I founded our cable network and television production company which although is in its infancy stages is bound for bigger things. Have you guessed it yet?...Yes that where pursuing the degree named above comes in. We believe that having a specialised degree in the subject we give me a hands on approach to things geeky around the office.

I am what some may called a self-educated Rastafarian, meaning, back in the 70's when Rastafarianism was spreading over the Caribbean like a wild fire, youngsters like took to the philosophy like a moth to a flame and many (of us) dropped out from employment and school and re educated I and I selves through the reasoning of Rastafarian elders and so forth and so fifth. I did manage to reach to fifth form, but that is far as formal education went. But what did save me was a love for literature and the English language.

I eventually did a correspondence course with International Correspondence School(ICS) in Journalism and short Story Writing from which I was able to hone and sharpen my writing enthusiasm and like they say the rest was history.

Besides building my company and writing a history of the Rastafari movement in Dominica, I am employed with Tesco, as a security guard. I am a shop steward/health and safety representative of USDAW and a certified first-aider.

To say that I am really looking forward to really getting my hair around this course and also the T175 Networked living: exploring information and communication technologies in February is the understament of the year...nay of the last century. I've got a lot of catching up to do!

Here's hoping that you feel the same way too, and that we can all successfully complete the course(s) together.


Albert Williams

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Ras Albert Williams

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Tempie Williams MIAB

Thank You

Hi Albert,

I would say the probability of the Open University being able to offer wonderful and exciting opportunites is high; but the probability of me knowing the author is even higher because I am your wife, Tempie.

I wanted to take out a minute and publicly say THANK YOU! For you have not only been a GREAT husband but a GREAT MOTIVATOR and a very SINCERE STUDENT as well.

It has been your hard work and humbleness that stands out the most and made me want to go for the challenge as well and take one step at a time to further my higher education here at Open University.

Just know how very proud I am of you and if I can be as committed and follow your footsteps in becoming more organized and developing better study habits I will be pleased. Remember I have been out of school since 1976 and in a different country with an entirely different culture, so in a sense I'm very excited and a bit nervous at the same time. I'll start taking Y159 Understanding Management Nov 1, 2011. To many it may not mean as much but for me it is a another major beginning that YOU helped inspire!

Continue being all you are and doing all you are because you are a wonderful inspiration to others including me. Congratulations on your very good and well deserved grades in both your M150 nd T175. Bravo!!!


Tempie Williamskiss