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Edited by Neil Anderson, Friday, 3 May 2013, 21:34

[Lost the last post]

The people are me, say I; Naresh the young man behind the counter, say N and the wee-old guy, say WOG.

[I enter the shop and head to where the alcohol lives; the WOG is at the counter talking to N.]

WOG: ...in the sixties a lot of you Asians came over here to work on the buses...

[I drop some cans at this point]

WOG: ...and they worked hard. But your generation want to be doctors, or gangsters, or ...ha, ha... drug dealers...

[I make a face at N, I'm behind the WOG with an armful of cans, we (N & I) are both are having trouble not to laugh.]

[The WOG shuffles out, N and I laugh for a bit.]

I: So how how are your drug dealing/gangster plans going?

N: There are no openings at present. So I plan to impersonate a doctor, you see people getting away with that all the time.

[N has an Msc]



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