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Johan Stinckens


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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Tuesday, 1 Feb 2011, 18:48

There is really no doubt left about how much influence the work environment can have on studying efforts. As from day one of this course I have been living in a small part of my appartment while the living area and kitchen were being renovated. The work isn't finished yet; ceilings still need layers of paint and the walls need their paper coverings. However, since I cleaned these rooms last friday I was able to use the kitchen as my working area today.

The spaceous environment along with better lighting had a welcome effect on the work at hand. As for TMA-04. I've created a Mind Map and just finished my Essay plan. So, tomorrow it's of to write the first draft.

On the other hand, the Ritual of Preparation has already proven it's useability. On friday morning I completed the poem — which I started thursday evening but was unable to finish — in a mere 20'. Got up at 06.00, went for a little walk, came back and sat at my desk at 06.38 and finished the Night-poem by 06.58.

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so glad the new regime is effective, Johan. As mornings gradually get lighter, more energy seems to flow too. You wouldn't like to post the poem would you? even if it's in Dutch...I liked the image of the idea as butterfly.