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My personal perfect job appeared in my work in-box today, a secondment opportunity. A secondment opportunity for someone who would assist, in a strangely non-defined fashion, to improve my council's web site.

It is two grades up on the pay scale and a chance to climb on a different ladder. If I got this secondment my life would change hugely; and the council's web site would bet better.

That won't happen, I have hurdles:

  • I need my line manager's permission; and I am fer favourite blame boy, I would be missed
  • Secondments are always a carve up—someone is a shoe in already

So I won't get this job, despite it being exactly me—I have a certifificate of web application deveopment. Jings, I am doing a maths and comuting degree.

I designed and built, and webmastered the best school site in the world. [Check it out].

Nothing that I do or achieve matters, why?

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Just because you don't see the difference you make doesn't mean you haven't made one, and of course it matters. What a mess they'd be in without you!

Don't be so negative about this job.  If you want it go for it. Your boss may be very pleased to give you a good reference and help you up the ladder.  Maybe this is a token advertisement to fulfil some legal requirement, or maybe the obvious candidate is a complete and utter berk that couldn't design a ham sandwich.  Either way you've got a chance because you have designed websites, are intelligent and personable and work damned hard (as evidenced by holding down a full time job and being an OU student at the same time)  Write your CV and see just how many very good items you have on it.  Look at initiative, team work, communication, list every voluntary role or project you have worked on.  I bet you'd be impressed - so will they. At least download the person specs and job and analyse it then you can make an informed decision

Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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Don't you go all lone-wolf on us now... wink

You have an audience!

Matt smile