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baby blackbird

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Gets more gallus by the day. Today I opened the front door, to go to the shops, in it hopped, cheeping and casting a pair of baleful-eyes upon our decor as if to say, "what were you were thinking of?"

We've hollowed out a wee cave amongst the ivy on our inner fence, so that hem [He/her] can feed in peace; this is a playground, gulls and crows swoop and squall, every bit of food involves a fight.

My wife and I went into the garden with cheese, and various other protein-bits for said cave, hem hopped and cheeped his way along with us.

My wife took photographs as he fill his beak, I took in the crow, perched and watching on the guttering of our roof and the seabirds circling.

I'm not sure what to worry about most: my wife's desire to make our new friend a pet, or the resident fowl-life's desire to eat either hem or hem's provander.


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Awww no Mummy or Daddy to protect the ickle pickle then? Are you sure it is a baby and not an adult playing you for a mug? thoughtful If it is filling it's beak and moving off that suggests an adult feeding young who has found a ready supply of food.  Adult blackbirds are very cheeky and will enter the home readily or knock on the window for food (leaving little messages on the windowsill).  My Mum is at the beck and call of two families, so feeding around 10 twice daily.  Don't let it in because next year it'll bring in the whole family and sweet as they are they do lack manners!