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why haven't I been asked

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Edited by Neil Anderson, Thursday, 4 Jul 2013, 23:19


Why am I not being targetted? Is it because a working class white guy with a protestant work ethic, a drink problem, a wife who, although vegetarian might kill a large animal to get its bones, a person who thinks that the government is out to get us and has access to Japanese Knot-weed is negligable? In the sense that we don't want to ask if he is gay.

Before you answer these questions remember that the 'good old USA' is harvesting your answer for sharing with the british government that nobody that you know voted for.

This government? Have they been nice to you? Have they done anything that doesn't seem like they were only concerned with their 'people'. The word, 'rape the poor', come to mind.

So you say that you are gay/muslim/anarchist/whatever on an online survey conducted by a bona-fide institution like the OU, what could go wrong?

You will end up at some gulag. That's what can, and will, go wrong if we don't say the basic, "What the fuck do you want to know that for?" And, "I think I'm going to sue your arse, because you are everything that I hate about minions, sold your humanity to someone with money".

I think that they might make different decision it they, or their offspting interens were carrying a gun in a a dangourous place..

These are shits of the first-order, brave with their words and and brave with other peoples' lives.

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I'll fix the typos tomorrow.
Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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I thought it was a general thing. I didn't realise some people were not being asked these questions. I received an email from the O.U. demanding I update my information. I thought everyone received the same email!

I find this development even more disturbing now.

I mostly answered 'don't want to say'. If there had been a 'f**k off!' box I would have ticked that.

I thought about stopping writing the blog due to the government spies but I'm going to carry on anyway.

Let them come! Stuff em.

Take care,


Mike Green BSc (Open)

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It comes to the point where the watchers need watching, then we get to information overload.
So don't sweat it, just edit a few pages of Anarchist's Cookbook and see how the publisher's lawyers react.
Mike Green BSc (Open)

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Anyway, you're a Jock, so what could a Gulag do to you?

Just let the Sassenachs be feartys, what have you got to lose?


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The point, my good friends is that we are on a government database somewhere, marked "problem".because now they have drones that kill the innocent without our input we are no longer needed.

What did we fight the wars for? Surely it was that we didn't have to put with this fascist shit? But no, now we can torture, or have people tortured, have secret courts and get the press to scapegoat anyone inconvient.

My grandad got shot in a trench to save our way of life; Tony Liar and his ilk sold us for what he could get, he arms-lengthed torture and mass-murdered his way to his millions and claimed that God had told him to do so.

I think that we all know that this was shite, and if he had been on the losing side, in the war that our ancestors fought, he'd be looking at a, for him, bad Nuremburg trial outcome.

The man is a war criminal.

Least Famous 'Influencer' Ever

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I completely agree. Democracy is a sham and fascism is here, now. It's a disgrace. We all have to fight it in our own small way.