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Freewrite - To the man next to me on 08:44

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Thank you. I think you're the first man who has spoken to me on public transport who hasn't turned out to be either deranged, drunk, a flasher or a would-be molester. It felt slightly strange to be complemented on my colour coordination and complexion, on my first day back to work from after the christmas break, when I'd left the house without barely glancing in the mirror. But not entirely unpleasant. It was even more decidedly peculiar to find myself discussing Marquez, the differences between male and female writing, and literary translations of European literature with an attractive stranger on the way to work. So thank you. And I did notice the way you were looking at me, and yes I was flattered. But I'm most definitely, 100% taken. As good as married. I've got a friend though, she's ever so lovely - can't I arrange for you to speak to her?

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