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Edited by Michelle Payne, Tuesday, 11 Jan 2011, 22:00

(sort of free write poem - I suppose it's a first draft. Something to work on, anyway!)

Last night we drifted off
to Dylan  on the radio
I awoke with a smile
all tangled up with you

Like a vine entwining
coiling, combining, with
out any start or end. I'm
all tangled up with you.

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The rescue

Your beautiful poem reminded me of another one by Seamus Heaney, which I'm sure you know of, that I still love years after loving it for the first time.

The Rescue - Seamus Heaney

In drifts of sleep I came upon you.
Buried to your waist in snow.
You reached your arms out: I came to
Like water in a dream of thaw.

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That is a wonderful poem, thanks for quoting it.

I think it may be a little more refined then my 5 minute effort!

I am considering writing a sequence of poems linked to sleep, it's been an idea I've had for a long time but have given little serious time to. Thus far....