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Brown is a Despot

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Now look I want you all to read this because it is very important. No, keep reading this is, important.

I have just seen ed Balls on the Andrew Marr Show and, now this is important, we have been letting the conservatives have it too much their own way. Now do you see how important this is.

Now, I have to say that he was very confident, very confident indeed. Labour can win this election, notice this election, not the election which must be held within the next 18 months.

If this is what we can expect then we really can abandon all hope. If Darling can only say that we are 'pissed off' with labour, and that Hope can say of Charles Clarke, 'shutup' then this is terrible. Now this is imprtant, says Balls, well yes it is, only like the British presence in Iraq, labour is now the problem and will never be the solution. Like the retreat from Basra, and the long Napoleonic retreat from Moscow, it is time to call it a day.

A government of national unity is what is needed, as Balls admits, and I have been saying for some time, we are facing a credit crunch the like of which has not seen since the 1930's.

We are facing the worst situation since that time in the current crop of politicians in parliament are not going to be able to prevent it happening. There have been other Great Depressions and they cannot be avoided, there was and always will be 'boom and bust'.

Now, wasn't that important. Watch the way the politicians hold their hands, its a church, a very broad church, and Gordon is the worst sort of paternalistic despot.

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