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Conspiracy Theories

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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 14 Sept 2008, 12:24
I think that is big news hidden today which will require a serious investigation. I am talking about the breaking news about GCHQ and the Omagh bombing.

This should be taken into account with the Gibraltar action where three suspected IRA terrorists were shot and killed.

It should also be taken into account with regard to the shooting and death of the young innocent Brazilian De Menezes.

It should also be taken into account with regard to the weapons of mass destruction, and the subsequent invasion of Iraq, and the deaths which have followed.

It should also be taken into account when there is the fact that there has been no inquest into the death of Doctor David Kelly.

It should also be taken into account when we know of the acquittal of terrorists accused of trying to set off explosions on planes flying to America.

It should be taken into account with regard to the allegations of a shoot to kill policy operating in Ireland.

It should be taken into account when looking at the BBC and what I will call the Gilligan affair. Is the BBC really independent anymore. Some of us have looked into the General Strike and the action of Lord Reith, and again let us not look at the BBC with rose tinted glasses.

There must be a full inquiry into the war in Iraq, it is the war which is going to bring about the downfall of Brown and this government. It will also bring about the end of this parliament.

With a new government in power, hopefully one of national unity, because the splits in our society are now reaching seismic proportions. Things have been done in my name I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

I am afraid that this country is very deep in the mire, it is not politics at fault, it is politicians, and I feel so very sad.
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