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Edited by Terry Griffin, Sunday, 14 Sept 2008, 12:23

My comment today relates to the inquiry into the death of a British soldier in Afghanistan. Just how many have 'our boys' actually died as a result of so called friendly fire, or blue on blue.

How many Afghanis have died as a result of our actions when they could possibly have been detained and interrogated. It would appear that nobody is ever arrested, they are all just killed, either directly by the soldiers, by bombing from allied jets, or at a distance using 'Predator' and 'Reaper' which are unmanned planes 'flown' by the military from bases in the Nevada desert.

There is something going terribly wrong in Afghanistan and it will get much worse before it gets better. We are losing the battle for hearts and minds, and we dare to complain about the actions of Russia in Georgia!

Please keep an eye on what is happening in Pakistan. The Americans are going for broke, they must have the head of bin Laden before the Presidential elections. The Republicans do not intend to lose.

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