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Iraq and the Labour Party Conference

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I hope that others listened to the Millibland interview on Radio 5 this morning. Now listen, this is important, we are in difficult times. People want us to get on with the job.

All the cabinet ministers know that the game is up. They are just about to crash and burn and so they continue to sit at a table with 'the leader' and await the visit to the bunker. They are going down, big time.

So as the military would say 'it's time to lock and load' because they, like our occupation of Iraq is coming to an end. You can expect an announcement of our retreat from Iraq during the labour party conference, just to silence the anti-war brigade. Mind you they will have to confirm that we are going to sign up to an American surge in Afghanistan.

There must a debate in parliament before we send ever more troops to reinforce another defeat, and there must be an inquiry into Iraq.

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