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Save Browns sanity

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It is actually becoming oh so very sad. It is like watching a video of an appalling slow motion car crash, and the result is always the same.

Is it not the case that it should Brown is now 'Groundhog day Brown'.

What will finally destroy the labour party is when at the end of this parliament, which must end sometime, the recriminations and blame will be apportioned and one, or some will always be seen as the traitor.

I wonder when Brown will find a form of words which will be the 'back me or sack me' moment. Could somebody not find an illness for him, like they did with MacMillan, so that he can go gracefully, with his dignity, because I do actually fear for him.

I'm sure that he his a good man, but he seems to me a good second in command, never the captain of the ship. Maybe he ought to read some Plato, which may explain his situation to him, and others.

I can now see why some compared him to Stalin, anybody who is not for me is against me, and I will have no challenge to my authority. Can we soon expect some show trials, recant or else. Oh for a modern day Shakespeare.

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