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Politics, Philosophy and Economics

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now the reason why I have given the title to the subject is that it is in
PPE that I am going for my BA Honours with the Open University. Also I
used to work for many years for an Investment Bank in the City of London.

Now, in all my courses I have not been achieving very high marks, in fact
I have struggled in all three areas. So, Terry I hear you say, why are you
telling us this. Well I also count myself as a bit of an historian,
especially around the Great War and the Great Depression.

By now you will have heard about the collapse of Lehman Brothers, an
American Investment bank. So now the connection.

The OU and other universities 'sell' their courses but I have always
thought that there could be a case of mis-selling, on the basis that there
is just too much theory, and not enough real working knowledge of how it
all fits together.

In order for the honours system to function, from my experience anyway, there must be a requirement to extend it to PPPE. The additional 'P' being Psychology, otherwise it just doesn't make any sense at all.

Many of the current crop of politicians think that they know it all because they have studied PPE at their university and they, therefore,have theories which they can put into practice. This is non-sense. They have no real idea as to how the economy works.

I know that it is too early to read this because you've probably had a hard week-end of partying or getting up to date with housework. Maybe you've even been doing some revision or finishing your ECA. The one thing you have probably not been able to do is to just sit and think. Yes, I have, but I have also been doing the garden in the sun, lot's of lawn to cut. Hedges to trim, but I digress.

The fantastic thing about the OU is that it gives us access to historical documents, and may I suggest that if you can look at the historic copies of the TimesĀ  go to the period in 1928 when there were huge falls on the New York Stock Exchange and the government put ever more money into the system to bail out the market. The exact same mistakes are being made today. So, you will know what happened in 1929, the year of the great stock market crash in November, but more importantly the start of the Great Depression. I think that history is about to repeat itself, we have been living in a fool's paradise, of huge government spending and redistribution of wealth through tax credits and public works , PFI schools for example.

I know that this is not really closely linked to the AXR271, but all of you are soon going to have plenty of time to put into practice your 'Thinking Philosophy' because you too are going to have plenty of gardening leave. Sorry, to be one of the four horsemen but we are heading for a financial Armageddon, hold onto your hats, but hey you can all be very philosophical about it.

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