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Lehman Brothers

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by now you will have started to hear about Lehman Brothers and the fact that the holding company has been put into Chapter 11 in America.

May I suggest most humbly that you read #109 #120 and #123 the first one being my posting, the second sagamix, and the third Jackturk. To Jackturk I would add the Tonnage Act which is the root of the problem in the UK.

Whilst most people seem to be wasting their time and effort on Gordon Brown and Alastair Darling just realise that we are now facing the worst crisis since 1928, the global financial markets are imploding and what are people apparently concerned about, a general election which need not be held for ages.

This situation is even worse than I ever thought, oh and by the way I did use to be employed by an Investment Bank in the City. We are all so doomed.

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