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A Faustian Tragedy

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Now listen I am getting very annoyed. These are the comments I made yesterday #133 on Rebel Tactics:-

'I can now see why some compared him to Stalin, anybody who is not for me is against me, and I will have no challenge to my authority. Can we soon expect some show trials, recant or else. Oh for a modern day Shakespeare'.

These comments should also be read in conjunction with support from David Millibland.

I don't know, must everybody follow the Griffin.

Where is the government commentary about the financial meltdown in America. We have had 9/11 and the War on Terror, well put it in your diaries, this day will go down in history, 9/15, Great Depression II.

Some people ought to go back to read their Shakespeare, money has made us all pimps and whores. If you want to know try reading Faust/Mephistopheles Part 1,scene iv.

In fact this is actually turning into a Faustian tragedy.

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