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Philosophy and a Faustian Tragedy

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Hi Guys,

now I have been accused of using this site as some sort of mesaage board. Well i think any such accusations are completely unfounded.

The reason, just look at what I show below as a comment on the Nick Robinson BBC blog and notice, please that where have I got my reference to Shakespeare and Faust from:-

'Now listen I am getting very annoyed. These are the comments I made yesterday #133 on Rebel Tactics:-

'I can now see why some compared him Gordon Brown) to Stalin, anybody who is not for me is against me, and I will have no challenge to my authority. Can we soon expect some show trials, recant or else. Oh for a modern day Shakespeare'.

These comments should also be read in conjunction with support from David Millibland.

I don't know, must everybody follow the Griffin.

Where is the government commentary about the financial meltdown in America. We have had 9/11 and the War on Terror, well put it in your diaries, this day will go down in history, 9/15, Great Depression II.

Some people ought to go back to read their Shakespeare, money has made us all pimps and whores. If you want to know try reading Faust/Mephistopheles Part 1,scene iv.

In fact this is actually turning into a Faustian tragedy'.

go to page 204 of the Political Thought Course Reader. Now, I know it is an extract from Karl Marx and Money, The Universal Whore so may not be to everybodys' cup of tea, but the course and the attendent supporting documentation is relevent, only some people lack the intelligence to use what they know. Not something which I lack. Modest I know but I never have been a shrinking violet, well not in public anyway.

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