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please note that I am nearly 60, next April to be exact. My older brother was born 1944 my sister 1947, me 1949 there is then an 8 year gap between me and my younger brother.

My point, over the next 5 years we will start to receive our pensions, both state and private.

As we are typical of the immediate post war generation hundreds of thousands, millions around the world, of people born between 1944 and 1949 will start retiring.

The proverbial will start to hit the fan because I don't think that the money is there to pay. The disabled will be taken off the statistics as being in receipt of disability payments. The unemployed will disappear off the unemployment figures. Those taking early retirement, if they can afford it, will not bother to sign on because there is no work, and they get their national insurance stamp paid for them over 60. For those who don't know contributions based unemployment is removed after 6 months and there is now income rules which will remove the early retirement pensioners from the need to sign on, they will have earnt to much to have any entitlements.

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