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Brown Out

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If this is true, and only a categoric denial by David Cairns would put my mind at rest, then he must go, he must resign, and resign now.

There is too much speculation for this to continue. Labour MPs seem to lack any back bone, they must do the decent thing and put the knife into Caesars back together, so that if they fail then they all go down together.

What I think is also influencing labour MPs is the power of the constituency labour party selection committees. The labour MPs who bring down the government will never be forgiven, they will be spurned, and I think treated as traitors. However, I think that they are failing the country by not taking action now.

I have said before, and I will be proved right, we are heading for another Great Depression, this will impact on India and China in a way that nobody seems to understand. Just as nobody saw the fall of the Berlin Wall, or the collapse of the Soviet Union, this is so written in the books.

We need strong leadership, people who will have to say that this is going to hurt you more than it is going to hurt me. This country is closer to revolution than you can contemplate. This is no democracy.

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