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A Government of National Unity

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This political infighting must come to an immediate end. We are now hearing that Lloyds TSB is to merge with Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS).

Unemployment is up to 1.72 million with millions no longer economically active. AIG has effectively been nationalised in America.

Hedge funds are able to to make millions and reward the dealers with huge bonuses. Directors close firms and leave with their huge bonuses and salaries all banked so they can live the life of luxury.

In the meantime many workers are either losing their jobs whilst others are having to take wage cuts or having increases below the rate of inflation.

In the meantime we are leaderless. Gordon Brown must make a statement now, not wait until the party conference, I want to see and hear the Prime Minister. He can no longer sit in the shadows, like he did in so many cases when Blair was in trouble.

This is not good enough, fear is stalking the land and we need our Prime Minister to be just that, our Prime Minister. Forget the infighting, this is even more serious than I thought, this could end up even worse than the Great Depression, it could end up being the Greatest Depression the world has ever seen.

It is time for the Prime Minister to prove to us that he can be what we really need, a leader. This is not the time for an election, it is a time for unity, the conservatives must put politics to one side and form a government of national unity. We are all in the mire and the only way out is to face this with unity. A government of national unity.

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