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Economic Woes and the Liberal Democrats

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just listened to Nick Clogg, and I will pick up on one point specifically.  He mentioned the fact that as aprt of his departing package the former Chief Executive of Northern Rock when he left received GBP30,000 tax free and he sort of indicated that this should not happen.

Now excuse me but when I was made redundant part of my package was the fact that the first GBP30,000 was tax free, anything over that sum was taxed at the appropriate rate. Now, is Clogg and Cobble going to take that away. Is he going to tax the tax free element of commuted pension payments.

Apart from that little issue, may I say that 'Make it Happen' is the wrong strategy at this time. In fact if we are going to make it a better life for our children then we should be paying more tax, interest rates must rise, because this appalling generation, of which I am part, are leaving with our children and grandchildren with huge debts, debts which will hold back any opportunity whatsoever. So, somewhat bizarely I suggest, raising taxes, raising interest rates, put an immediate end to short selling in the Stock Markets regulated in Britain, have no trading in futures and options, and nationalise all the utility companies.

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