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Philosophy and the Economy

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now some of you probably think that I am an arrogant know-it all who spouts about everything other than philosophy. Well I hope that all on AXR271 have been keeping up to date with the economic news. As we sit looking at our navels my worst thoughts about the economy are just so coming true.

As a retired Investment Banker I am afraid that you really do not have a clue about how awful the situation is. I have been looking at anarchy as an alternative to the current system. It has been obvious to me for many years that the capitalist system is doomed to failure, read your Karl Marx in the Reader, it was there if only you looked. For those who looked and ignored the situation, then well...

I am open to criticism as were some of the great philosophers, but should I have remained silent, should I have just left you all to your illusions.

The world was meant to have changed with 9/11, well the same happened on 9/15, it was the day that the world changed. If you studied war and social change, as I have done then you will realise the wonder of the OU.

I lost it for a while but this is the end game, you are living through momentous times and the solutions are not in any manual. I have also studied politics and economics through the OU and if people think that any of these courses relate to the real world then, words fail me. I have said before with regard to my son in Iraq that he was not content to stay silent, he thought philosophically about justice, and found the politicians wanting. Well its the same with philosophy course.

1928/29 is just like nothing as to what will happen over the upcoming years. Silence me and those like me at your peril, I'm joining the Socialist Workers Party, I'm on my bike. Riding along on my bike I have so much fun I am no harm to anyone. Bye Bye Again

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