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Peston out

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Is not the problem that the crash must happen before any charges can be brought for say driving without due care and attention.

You can see the cars on a collision course but at the very last second they swerve and miss each other. Nobody is guilty, because there is no proof and there is no evidence. There was no crash.

However, the two cars which swerved drive off and two family cars behind the are distracted by the events unfolding that they crash and two families are wiped out.

The people who really caused the crash walk away and leave the carnage behind them.

Is this not what has happened to the financial markets, the guilty must not be allowed to get with this, they have ruined so many lives. There must be a thorough investigation, who are the guilty ones. Could it even be the pension fund trustees who let their stock be lent without realising what it meant.

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