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Are the financial markets going to have their 'Gilligan' moment with regard to the events over HBoS.

This is a posting which I I made on the Nick Robinson Blog on the 17/9 at 10:22 on Your Fickle Business:

'The FSA which was set upi with Gordon Brown was Chancellor must ac now. Dealings in HBoS must be suspended, this is such a false market that nobody benefits. So, if anybody in this godforsaken government is reading this then do something, share dealing in HBoS must be suspended. Message timed at 10:22. Do something you idiots before it implodes completely'.

Now then we have to ask why dealing in the shares were not suspended.

We also have to ask why market sensitive information with regard to the take-over by Lloyds TSB of HBoS was allowed to be given by the BBC through one of their correspondents.

There must be an inquiry as to who supplied the information to the BBC, when it was given, and why the Editors did not embargo any publication because it could be seen as insider information which should have gone to the market before going onto the BBC news.

There is a conflict because surely financial news should be treated just the same as news from the front in respect of our wars.

I do not apologise for being critical of the BBC because the information should not have been released by the BBC until it had been disclosed to the market. This is not the way to run an economy with the BBC being used in this way.

I know that reporters like to have a scoop but sometimes there is a time for judgement and I don't think that the BBC comes out of this at all well.

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