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Liberty & Justice and Freedom of Speech

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isn't it weird the way that we can so easily lose our freedoms. Take freedom of speech for instance. If you say how serious the financial situation is because of City malpractice, you can be accused of talking down the economy. If you talk about the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan you are being disloyal to the troops out in these foreign places. Without getting personal, we really must look at the bigger picture and realise that nobody can see the real big picture. We are losing our freedoms, slowly but inexorably.

If we can no longer tolerate the other persons views then we all become poorer. We are all losers. I would go along with Locke that we are also being irrational. There are many ways to persecute the innocent, could it be a case of shooting the messenger, rather than the message.

What do others think. Are we losing the fredoms which so many have died for, or did they die for nothing.


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