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Hardin or Singer

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Nice one John. However, and however is so much better than but, but here is the problem.

If you can just go the the ECA for Liberty & Justice p.10 and look at the two extracts, Hardin and Singer.

Now as some may have gathered I am not a very nice person, I have no problem if people think that I wasn't a senior manager in an Investment Bank for nothing so, if people ignore me or say that's not a very nice thought so be it. I can't change my past, I can only try, in my small way, to change for the better.

My point, look at Hardin's perspective with the lifeboat, and compare to Singer. Now just about everybody if my memory serves me well went for Singer's utilitarianism. Me I'm Hardin.

When you have been reading about the financial crisis the governments and the taxpayer and the general population have gone for Singer's solution, to let them (the banks) be saved 'will prevent something bad from happening'. Only trouble is it won't, it will result in the repercussions from the Hardin approach. We are all so f....d, sorry there is no other word.

When you have to start paying extra taxes to pay my pension from the bank, when you pay extra taxes to keep the 'fat cats' going, when the hospitals are privitized, the social services cut back, the roads deteriorate, the basic infrastructure collapse, the schools cannot be maintained, the pay of the lower paid will keep falling, inflation will turn into deflation, and what is much worse, crime increases, and worse the poor in the developing world are dying in millions, fear and pestilence roam the planet, that is when you realise that Singer is wrong. The people on this planet will want to survive, there is no altruism, it is all about survival of the fittest, and you are letting yourself and your family down if you do not do everything in your power for your family to survive the coming catastrophe, the evil day of reckoning is approaching.

As for working family tax credits and support for the disabled, the poor, the underclass, well please...

I now try to think philosophically in all respects, not just for the nice cuddly bits. It is so hard sometimes but you have to try to be consistent.

Now me, I will be going so far to the left I will even surprise myself. I will survive, I have found my revolution to lead.

Oh, and don't forget the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, now what is happening to 'our boys' now eh, where is Brown on the wars? Ben was right and he is even more right now! The system stinks. we are approaching the end game, only so many want to keep their heads in the sand.

Look at the numbers the US is baling out the banking system with $700 billion, I mean billion, now that is some lifeboat. Lehman Brothers wants $8 billion to Lehman Brothers going until the end of September!!! $8 billion.

So, please study your economics but don't forget your philosophy and politics, and as for cognitive psychology.

Well done John, any comments.

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