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Tax Rises

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The truth of the financial bale out by Britain and America will only become apparent over the next year or so. When your taxes start to rise, when public services are cut, when the far right and fascists continue their inexhoriable rise, when riots break out, then you will understand that what Darling and  Brown are doing. They are a disgrace, the banks must have been allowed to fail, they should have been hammered.

They have made the same mistakes that governments made in the late twenties, these stupid people have messed up big time. History is repeating itself, not exactly the same but this s just so awful what they are doing.

Taxes must rise, but personal tax allowances for the low paid must take them out of paying tax altogether. Income tax and national insurance must be merged. Social services must be formally merged with the NHS, there must never be any more sell off of the NHS assets, all hospital closures must be stopped. No more Post Office closures.

We are saddling our children and grandchildren with huge debts, this is so wrong. I want the individuals who have allowed the banking system to collapse to be prosecuted. They are guilty and there must be no hiding place.

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