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Titanic Britain

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does it seem so long ago that the Large Hadron Collider was switched on to resounding cheers and back-slapping congratulations.

Maybe we can be told by Gordon, the Great Leader, that the LHC has actually had to be switched off to warm up so they can fix a fault.

Billions spent, and what have we got a huge underground fridge. Come on Gordon when you make your speech congratulate our Olympic team, sorry Team GB, because it really was your grand idea to spend so much money on our athletes that they came fourth in the medals table. Sorry, it was that John Major, well that won't stop you praising your own success.

The wars, oh well done soldiers you won the war but we, the politicians have lost the battle for hearts and minds. How, well don't forget extra-ordinary rendition, and our mistreatment of prisoners, that really gets the people on your side.

Gordon Brown must not be allowed to get away with this, he has let down the country, he has let down the labour party, he was chancellor during the time that these bankers got away with it. As for we are looking at ways to solve these problems, no knee-jerk reactions. Well I'll tell you what will happen the bankers will run for the hills, they will take their money and run, and live the life of riley while we all suffer.

Well while Gordon and Alastair are being level-headed and looking at the issues, we are going under, big time. This is no lifeboat operation for the banks, this is the Titanic and the Captain needs to go down with his ship.

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