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Banking Behomeths

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Henry Ford developed mass production, huge factories producing huge numbers of cars.

His system was copied around the world, huge factories, loads of people, massive profits.

Well we are now in a post-Ford society. Big is no longer good, when the factories closed whole towns and city's were effected.

The banks became like Ford factories, the whole idea was ridiculous, they became so big that they were behomeths. They would not go under because of their size. Well that little exercise has proved to be a total abject failure. Banks must be split up, not merged.

The bank which employed me was a holding company with different entities operating as self contained units. If one part went under the other bits were safe. That is how the banks will be structured, with their own profit centres and service level agreements with other parts of the organisation. If one bit fails then it is containable.

The holding company will have access through their computer systems to the overall consolidated balance sheet, to see their overallĀ  exposures. The whole world has changed.

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