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Speech to unravel

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My wife and I were talking about Gordons speech and you must note that she was a social worker during her long career. What she noticed was that Gordon loves referring to the caring professions and carers. The problem is that he is Prime Minister, by the very nature of his position he actually should not care, because if he really did then some of his decisions would never be implemented, they make the situation worse rather than better.

As for why people do things he referred to various people including soldiers who do things 'because they want to make a difference'. What many people have to realise is that if you ask most soldiers why they want to be soldiers it is, 'to kill people', unpalatable but true. So, yes they make a difference in Iraq and Afghanistan, they kill people.

I was actually quite angry when he referred to the miraculous treatment, which he got from the NHS, which saved his sight. Just as the NHS saved my leg when I broke my femur at an early age and resulted in my legs actually being stronger.

Why was I angry, because we know that his own daughter died, the NHS could not save her. What we all have to get used to is the fact that sometimes people just die. That's what happens and it is not the case that before the NHS people did not have their sight saved. Also the doctors, the professionals would have been trained before the NHS came into being.

I want clarification as to what he means by the 'energy dictatorship of oil' and what will he do about it. Did the conference seriously applaud when he referred to 'clean coal' and 'new nuclear power stations'.

This 'great speech' will unravel so quickly.

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