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HMRC Investigating MPs

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it is not a question of MPs paying back any money to HMRC. It is about paying taxes that they should have paid in the first place. It is not that they received money from the taxman, they took money from the taxpayer, upon which tax should have been paid. It is incorrect to say that they are paying any money back to HMRC. This is about avoiding taxes, something which I find to be morally equivalent to theft.

When I was a child we had simple lessons on what was theft. If I traveled on a bus without tendering the fare then that is no different to the common thief, like the shoplifter is nothing other than a common thief, like to me somebody in an advantaged position overpaying themself to the detriment of others might be an entrepeneur to you but actually is theft.

Returning to MPs people have to understand about HMRC, their job is to ensure that people pay their taxes, that they do not pay too little or too much. Just like means tested benefits, you should not be getting something which you are not entitled to, that to is theft. The HMRC must investigate immediately, investigate all the tax returns of MPs, they must do what they do to others, they must get them to go back over their records for the last seven years, no shredding allowed, and treat the MPs just like any other common taxpayer, no exceptions. The accountants who filled in the tax returns must also be investigated, especially if any of them used to be employed by the tax authorities. The accountants signed off on the accounts of the banks, and the banks were bankrupt, it would appear that there just might have been some errors in the tax returns of MPs.

The MPs must be investigated, they cannot be investigated and do their jobs at the same time, there must be an October election, I can't imagine the Queens speech with the people now in 'her parliament'. God save the Queen, bring on the taxman
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MP's lack of integrity

I agree that taking what is not yours amounts to theft.. what cannpot be tolerated is the total lack of character of people in this country ,the MP'e are merely a reflection of the country .. unfortunately when things are too easy people seem to become morally and ethically deficient.  It is up to each of us to take responsibility for our own lives unfortunately we seem to be drifting into a quasi-communist state where we are over regulated by intolerable laws and bureaucracy - are their roots in the autocratic state of Europe (Brussels) - the riduculeness of it all is laughable.  Britian has given away her soveriegnty.  What a shame.  'One size fits all', an over survalliance of people, general breakdown of what once held society together and isolation of the individual through modern technology to name some is mind blowing to say the least.  This is the beginning of the breakdown of countries worldwide in preparation fot globalisation when the world will truely be ruled by a few wealthy individuals (international coporate gaints) and politicians where individuals will be nothing more than cogs in a machine. All this in the name of democracy! Rule by the people for the people?  How easily can themasses be manipulated.  Since the education of the personality ethic substance created in cdevelpment of character and leadership qualities is sadly lacking. Where is the illusive freedom?  It seems shrunk to something within.  So how could all this be remedied?  Simplify.

Election of candidates of character, experience and wisdom who want to genuinely serve the people. 

Smaller government, decentralisation to local level.

Cut taxes, allow people to benefit from work.

Encourage entrepuerialship. Many small businesses help boost the economy.

Pull out of the disfunctional European Union but retain trading links.

These are a few thoughts.  It is unfortunately or fortunately (as you see it) only real hardship that gets folk thinking and develops character.  I'm interested in hearing other views that are based on 'more freedom for the individual, community or  nation' based on sound universal principles and repect for difference.