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Brown and Boyle

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maybe Andrew Marr could bring in some enetrtainment by saying that Susan Boyle was the favourite to win Britain's Got Talent, and guess what she didn't win, but we don't know the votes.

Now maybe Brown could call a snap election, whilst everybody is on holiday of course, July/August would be a good time. Then he could go on a reality TV show and announce that against all the views of the pundits labour has won the election. Unfortunately the voting slips are being analysed and this may take up to four maybe even five years before all the votes can be authenticated.

In the meantime of course there will be recriminations, the Tories have to sack Cameron, the liberals will of course have to join the government in the cause of national unity, Vince Cable for example, with maybe some others helping in foreign affairs. There is one drawback of course, no beards allowed in the House of Commons and definitely no sandals.

In the meantime Brown goes on an extended world trip where he actually gets elected as the new leader of the free world, and conferring honours on deserving causes, like Teddy Kennedy who did so much for the sport of driving cars off short piers, or Sir Fred Goodwin, who according to the delightfully fragrant Harriet Harman was given his knighthood for services to the Princes Trust, you know not the 'we do bad things to bad people' one, but the one who does so much for everybody, like buying and selling woodland where substantial profits were made but because of the need for trees to build wooden ships to defeat Napoleon very little tax was paid on the profit.

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