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We will soon be free

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what I think we have to do is to look out for people who simply assert something with little or no evidence. All the people coming out in support of Brown are simply making assertions, there is no actual substance to their argument. Our eyes have been opened by the revelations in the media about MPs, and government ministers and former ministers.

We have all been bound by ropes of lies and half truths. Now we are beginning to see that ropes that bound us are nothing but sand, they can be blown away, we will soon be free.

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Perry Mc Daid

As Disraeli might have put it . . .

Evidence is nebulous, statistics flighty, and the eyes may be deceived. Don't focus on one set of transgressors, examine the lens. What we have been led to believe to be a democracy has never held that lofty title. We have no contractual rights other than those determined by a group not legitimised by votes. We have no right to oust leaders as required. A vote of no confidence to out a leader must come from within the ruling party. Time to restructure, perhaps, and stop subsidising people who are stinking rich in their own right by archaic rules of inheritance?