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World recession One

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surely everybody must realise by now that Keynes was a theorist, there is absolutely no proof for his theory. All economists are theorists, they are not scientists, although they would like us to think that they are.

This recession will be different, the Great Depression was as much a state of mind as anything else. There have been so many Great Depressions, a bit like World Wars, World War One was not World War One until World War Two, before that it was the Great War. By the way it should be noted that it should not be commemmorated at 11 O'clock on the Eleventh November, it was ended at 11 O'clock in France, it was not 11 O'clock in England. It could be said that we are in the first World Depression, or the First Global Recession, history is being written, it was not 9/11 that has done for the economies, it was 9/15, and that will be looked at in a new light by the historians.

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