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Women at Mission Control

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a slight change of subject but it does relate to parliament and the presence of women in parliament. I am going to make a highly contentious comment but has nobody seen the link between the allowing women the vote and the decline and fall of the British Empire.

I have been watching the BBC programmes on the NASA programme to send man to the moon. Has nobody else noticed the complete lack of women at Mission Control, it was just so full of men, men who smoked, men who had short hair, men wearing white shirts and ties. The only time we saw any women was the faces in the crowds, and the wives waiting by the TV for news of their husbands. To solve the problems of the planet let's put men back in control, let's reduce the number of MPs but let us also reduce the number of those eligible to vote.

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Perry Mc Daid

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You mean the British Empire which sought to impose its will on the rest of humanity, to improve the exploitative nature of its essence? Much as it's doing now with its good ol' warmongering buddy the USA? Maggie Thatcher and Condy Rice didn't lend much to world peace, and it seems only good sense to stand well clear of a dirty big rocket which, in a worst case scenario could spiral out of control into Mission Control and incinerate it.

Let's not delude ourselves, you don't take camouflage wear, an a host of weapons, including the infamous Daisy-cutter bombs to a forein country to mark your place at the beach. Lebensraum didn't die, it just went cosmopolitan.