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Iraq Inquiry

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I would like to confirm that my petition on the Number 10 site now has 29 signatures. This is not about reconstruction as Brown would like it to be but the Terms of Reference for the inquiry must specifically include allegations about extra-ordinary rendition, and enhanced interrogation techniques, which to me is a form of torture. That is what it is about as much as anything else.

As for anybody who thinks that events in Iran are an affront to democracy should look in the mirror and remember Dr David Kelly, Mr de Menezes, Blair Peach, and restrictions on freedom of speech by the use of High Court Injunctions, and the threats of withdrawal of compensation to British soldiers who have been injured, and to the families of soldiers killed in action. Furthermore, look into the judges comments in the case of Col. Mendonca, also the comments by soldiers in respect of the young man who died in Iraq as a result of heat exhaustion.

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