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I wonder if Andrew will question Gen Sir Mike Jackson tonight on the role of private contract firms now operating in Iraq and Afghanistan. I regard these people as nothing other than paid mercenaries.

Is it right that a former head of the British army should be a paid director of these firms. I wonder if Andrew will also ask the General why he sought his own legal advice before accepting the job of heading our army in Iraq. What does he think of the actions of Blackwater in Falujah, which necessitated a very strong reaction from the American official forces. Does the General think that sometimes it is right for soldiers to refuse orders, because if he didn't then why did he seek his own legal advice, as is confirmed in his own memoirs. Should he be able to make money of the war? What does he think about freedom of speech, and can he justify the use of court injunctions to prevent former soldiers speaking in public. Just a few of my thoughts on the war, the precedings to the war, and the subsequent occupation, extra-ordinary rendition and enhanced inetrrogation techniques. 

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