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I listened with interest to Mandelson on the Radio 4 Today programme this, now do't interrupt I think that the listeners want to hear my answer not your comments, morning and thought that the admission that there will be no, Public Sector Review, no now listen this is important, will not be held before the next general election, which I think must have been held by this time next year.

I am even more convinced that there will be an October election, the Queen will never give her speech with 'my government will ...' not with this lot in place she won't. We are appaerently not to have a National Plan, we are 'Building Britain's Future', no they aren't, they are destroying everything, that's what I think anyway, sorry speculate, within the terms of my entitlement to think. There is no right to free speech, apparently there is to be the entitlement to free speech, with our entitlements goes responsibilities, no listen you're rambling and are not in the real world.

I think that it is not ministers and labour MPs who are bonkers, no it is me, I have been living for so many years in a dream world, I mean we have not been involved in a war in Iraq, which we then jointly occupied, no get it right, we will have an inquiry into the period leading up to the war, the war, and the reconstruction. Now then why the reconstruction rather than the occupation, 'Building Britain's Future' surely that is reconstruction, so we can take it that Britain has been occupied since 1997. If labour can mis-speak, then so can I.

Did we not build Iraq's future, you can see the posters, not, on the streets of Basra, 'Building Iraq's Future' labours plans for the future, their vision. Please Brown, you have no legitimacy, you are the Prime Minister in the worst parliament for hundreds of years, well that's what I think anyway, sorry speculate, because I am not an expert, sorry I don't count.

Andrew I can't wait for the big launch, only this is the Titanic, there must be an election before November, this is the labour party manifesto. It is scorched earth, it is a government in its death throes, everything was great, we are over the worst, it is the typical response of a great leader who looks from his bunker and sees desolaton all around and then has his secret weapon his V3, only nobody will fire it, if only you would let me fire it, it will win the war, we are on the verge of a great victory, you all don't see it, you lack my vision, I will lead you to the final victory...Now then the Iraq Inquiry, de Menezes, Mr Tomlinson, Iran, the war of Jenkins Ear, Murray must win Wimbledon, that is my only hope, he must win, I will be saved, if only England could win the world cup, can't we bring it forward, those conservatives, they will get the glory, I'm off to be a teacher. Mad, completely mad.

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