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Zero percent rise

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may I explain how a fall of 0.49998 could actually be a zero percent rise. You see in statistics there is something called rounding, so zero is actually 0.49998 to plus 0.49998 so you could, if you were totally mad, you could say that a fall is a rise of zero because as a percent it could be if rounded. Brown would have been honest if he had not used the word 'rise' as in 'there will be a zero percent rise' there could be a zero percent rise or fall, but you can't say there will be a zero percent rise, if in all truth there is even a one penny reduction. The double speak of Brown is truely an insult to our intelligence.

I thought that the comments about Alastiar Darling, who I think is actually still an honourable man, were very reflective. I would hope that he, if he is the honourable man which I think he is, then he should resign now. By staying silent he is just like the person who says I did not know what was going on, that the ends justifies the means. I am actually beginning to feel sorry for him, he should resign now, with dignoty. It will bring about a general election in the autumn, but there was going to be one anyway. How Darling could go to the party conference  and stay silent would I think not be honourable. Therefore, if you must wait until the party conference, but then bring in down, bring it all down.

This is a disgrace, on the day that a new medal from the Queen is announced, then it shows just how far this country has fallen. Millions throughout the world have died for democracy, and this is what we end up, a zero percent rise. Two famous sayings, 'there are lies, damned lies, and statistics' and the other one 'you can fool some of the people some of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time'. The time is up, Brown has completely lost it, and the people around him ought to be ashamed at what is happening. This is actually just so sad, as for the speaker going to the lords, well if Mandelson can become a lord then everybody can, it proves what a fantastic society we live in. A true democracy, a truly forgiving society.

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Perry Mc Daid

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Stats is only a tool, so it has that in common with politics, but 0.49998 is nearly a half in anyone's language; a negligible rise but an empirical one. If I had 0.49998 of a million, it could be any friggin' shape it wanted to be.