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listened to Adonis on the Radio 4 news at One. He was asked why wait a year, there was mumbling, there was sounds in the back-ground, then I am sorry I can't hear you clearly you are breaking up, now he wasn't talking about Brown he was talking about the line, Martha then asked again 'why wait a year over the franchise' can you hear me, yes I can hear you now, only you are breaking up again, I am sorry says Martha, we will have to end the interview.

Absolutely brilliant, I used to do that at school when the teacher used to ask me a question, then I would say sorry sir, didn't hear you, and whilst he was asking the question again, the question which I had actually heard, I was scanning my book for the answer. Griffin come to the front, six strokes with the strap, and don't try that one again. Yes sir!

A zero percent rise, still can't get over that one! Now Brown should come on the media and explain exactly what did he mean when he refrrred to a zero percent rise, a gem, nearly as good as picking his nose when behind Blair, or the non shaking of the policemans hand when Obama had done. You can't make this up, it's fantastic. Beyond belief, its not the bunker, its the madhouse, what is it they say, 'the lunatics have taken over the asylum'. Well that's what I think anyway, and as Descart would say 'I think therefore I am'. The body and mind have become detached in the case of certain politicians, there is a body but the

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