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What a waste

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this is no longer a joke. This PM continues to be a disaster. We need to be told exactly what is the point of our continued presence in Afghanistan. The Americans have effectively taken over from us, just as they did in Iraq during the clearing up of Basra. We now have another two deaths one of a very senior officer.

What on earth was such a senior officer doing being out on the front. We are told that officers like to lead from the front, this harsh lesson was learnt during WWI that that is one thing they should not do. It is extra-ordinarily expensive to invest in an officer, the training is not cheap, so they learnt that it might look good but Haig took his officers away from the front. He made them the planners, the ones who did not lead from the front. That was the job of somebody else.

It is widely known that a senior SAS officer resigned from the regiment on the basis that he was criticised for going out with his men on operations. This is where there are difficulties, because these men are brave, they do want to be with their men, yet an accountant, a bank manager, a chancellor, would say no, we can't afford these men and equipment to be lost.

It is the same with an aircraft carrier. Billions spent on it, all the investment, yet the last thing they would want is for it to be lost on operations. So you keep it in port. Bit like the Germans in WWII, they built beautiful ships, the Graf Spee, the Bismark, the Tirpitz, yet the first two were lost and accordingly the third one could not be used, the loss of such a vessel would be bad for morale. They are for show.

With our army and military at the moment, we cannot afford to lose men and machines, they are too expensive. I think that we are wasting men and material in Afghanistan, we cannot afford it, it is sapping our morale, our economy, and why, what is the point of being in Afghanistan, there is no point at all. We can't even capture bin Laden, we have not 'destroyed' the Talibhan. We never will.

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