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No borders

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I just want a free England, with our own parliament, with no transfer of wealth to a foreign country, the Union has served its purpose, it is time for an English referendum on devolution, I think that there are an awful lot of free thinkers who have come to the same conclusion as myself.

I am no more anti-scottish then I am anti-french, german or any other country. In fact I consider that the establishment of any state is divisive, we are all just human beings, what is it about borders, about rulers, about setting one person against another because they are somehow different, there is no difference, one world, total freedom, no borders.

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Perry Mc Daid

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Agreed, it is an out of date strategy for wealth, based on a time when acreage meant prosperity, and pomp was the form. We should be past that with the public footing the bill for national parks these days, yet having to pay to view the huge estates of archaic gentry. Oust'm and give the land back to the people and wildlife - no recompense, beacuse their ancestors certainly did not pay for the land they lord over.