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Ilford Park Polish Resettlement Home

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I hope that this is of interest to you and your commenteers but I have just received my first Claim Form for Winter Fuel Payment and there is a from attached which lists the exceptions.

Now this I find interesting because apparently I will not be eligible for payment if, in the qualifying week:

you are living in a care home, an independent hospital or (now wait for it) Ilford Park Polish Resttlement Home (and have been for the preceding 12 weeks or more).

Now what on earth has happened so that the residents of Ilford Park Polish Resettlement Home are not entitled to payment. Why them, what sort of system is it that has to identify them specifically as not having eligibility.

When I started to work in the City Capital Gains Tax was brought in, I wish I had kept the original leaflet I received to enable to calculate CGT for our investors. I think I could now fill a wall with books on Capital Gains Tax, just abolish it, make all gains subject to income tax, CGT was for a time when there was massive inflation, that is why all the allowances had to be brought in, so with deflation and the abolition of boom and bust, we surely should abolish Capital Gains Tax, that is unless some people think there will be a return of rapant inflation, I for one do. Why do you think government bonds are exempt from CGT, yes because you you will possibly buy a Gilt in the Market and pay GBP130 for GBP100 nominal of stock, and guess what? The government guarantees to repay on redemption GBP100, without fail, except in War Loan that is.

However, as usual I have digressed, so why Ilford Park Polish Resettlement Home, anybody help.

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Perry Mc Daid

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Presumably the same thought processes alluded to in your last post -  those of the divisionist powers - apply here. Perhaps they think that generations of Polish have spent so long either working in the mines, or spent so much time in the camps of Siberia for dissent, that they'd either be glad of the cool or acclimatised to it.