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I am getting very angry Andrew, and it is because we have been told over the week-end about yet more deaths in Afghanistan, soldiers not only being killed but also we do not know of the injuries, and the deaths of the locals. Soldiers being returned home, in their coffins, and yet at this very moment Bob Ainsworth at last announces an inquiry into the deaths in Iraq of locals who had also allegedly been tortured.

Surely this should be part of the inquiry that Brown announced only a couple of weeks ago. I suppose the inquiry will not look into tyhese deaths because they form part of another inquiry. You talk about QUANGOs, quite rightly but this is yet another good day to bury bad news. Surely nobody could possibly be critical of our soldiers when the body of the most senior officer killed since the Falklands is returned for burial.

Any soldier who was in the original Aghan occupation in 2001 will tell you that it was because of the Iraq war that we took our eye off the ball. This all comes from Iraq, all the problems, Afghanistan would not be the problem it is today if it were not for Iraq. In the meantime I thought that Hutton's performance on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday was an absolute disgrace, he ought to be ashamed of himself. I think he has cut and run, and I don't know how he can look in the mirror in the morning. You would never believe that Brown had made this man responsible for Defence. Well that is what I think anyway.

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