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the political parties seem to think that if there is a parade by the returning soldiers from Afghanistan then that means that we support the occupation. Will people understand that there is no country called Afghanistan, it is tribal, has been tribal and alwys will be tribal. If you are continually having foreign forces invade you, they hang around a bit, do a bit of something then disappear to be replaced by another group of invaders who come in, do something then disappear, then imagine how you would react.

The sign of when we have 'won' is when the first British soldier, meets a local woman, falls in love and then marries her and is accepted into the local community. Now this is never going to happen, we cannot avoid the fact that we are foreign invaders, that we are not welcome, that these people are just freedom fighters, resistance fighters, or whatever, we are the aggressor, if it is anywhere that should be invaded it is Saudi Arabia, that is where bin Laden came from, oh I forgot we need the oil, what is it Brown wanted to break, oh yes that's right the dictatorship of oil, another famous one like 'British jobs for British workers'. 

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