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Afghanistan (again)

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the big news item has surely to be the comments made in parliament by David Davis last night, comments made under parliamentary privilige to protect him and his sources from being charged under the Official Secrets Act. There are very many brave and principled people in this country who have either remained silent or have been silenced over the issues of all forms of rendition and all forms of torture, or enhanced interrogation technoques if that is the form of words the guilty want to hide behind.

In February Hutton admitted in parliament that some previous statements made by his predecessors were, in fact, incorrect. I believe that the media has not investigated the comments made by Hutton to the extent which they should have been. I believe that injunctions have been used to prevent publication under the guise of national security, I think it is more likely that it would be national shame.

Ainsworth is today on the media saying that we are in Afghanistan to keep the terrorists off our streets, and that we are being succesful in that mission, where is his evidence. We have just gone through the fourth anniversary of the July bombings in London, we have had the death of Mr de Menezes, the death of Mr Tomlinson, the death of Dr Kelly, we have had government ministers misleading the House of Commons, either by accident, ommission, or because they have not been told the truth. This is a shameful government, we invaded Afghanistan forst in 2001, we took our eyes off the ball, and now we and the Americans are using a scorched earth policy to clear the Taliban. We have lost the war, that is why Brown has not sent reinforcements, military history will always tell you not to reinforce defeat, we have been defeated, Brown knows it, some of us in the real world know, when will the government admit it, not yet, but they will soon. Just like we were defeated in Iraq.

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