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Afghanistan (yet again)

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any investigation into the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan will show that only four of our men died in Afghanistan bewteen the invasion in 2001 and the 29th October 2005. I will make the assertion that we were initially welcomed in Aghanistan, I think that the original occupation was morally justifiable. The current situation is not acceptable, we have outstayed our welcome and we must leave. This is about the Iraq war, we lost any moral authority which we may have had.

The soldiers are doing their best, but I think that many will know that there really is no point in continuing. They are just doinfg as they told, the trouble is the ones giving the orders have not got a clue. The parades are a charade, when will the opposition force a real debate on this sad, yes sad, situation. There is no longer any point in continuing with the killing. It is time to leave. We will eventually, we might as well do it now. There must be an inquiry, now. Maybe there is a QUANGO that could do the honourable thing and insist on one now, before it is too late.

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