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so at last the politicians are beginning to give air time to what many have been saying on your blog with regard to the appalling situation in Afghanistan. Firstly let me give what I believe to be what is happening with regard to corruption in that Country.

Say you are an unemployed young man, no real prospects for a job. There is a need for a police force, and an army, so that the occupiers, bnamely the Americans and British, can leave, having done their job. Now if you join the police, or army, then you are accused of being a collaborator, and you then run the risk of being blown up, shot, or maimed. So, your tribal leader says, ok you can join the police, or army, as long as you pay the tribe, through the leader, a 'bonus'. As long as you pay the money then then you can join. Now you are in the police and somebody comes along and offers you a bribe to turn your back whilst some illegal activity takes place, the bribe is from your tribal leader, who allowed you to take the job in the first place.

Now then, you can either accept the bribe, or if you don't then unfortunately we will have to shoot you, blow you up, kidnap your family, kill your family, or shoot you in the kneecaps (sorry that was Northern Ireland), so faced witht these choices I wonder what we would do, yes you become corrupted. You do as you are told, it takes a very brave and courageous man to say no, I will not follow orders. I am afraid that the Liberal Democrat intervention is just so too late. It went wrong in Iraq, it is going terribly wrong in Afghanistan.

Andrew, your comments with regard to what has allegedly being going on in some areas of the newspaper industry is relevant here. Why are those things which need to come out into the open not being revealed, why are the courts not releasing papers, why are they not making decisions in open court rather than through out of court settlements. It's called corruption Andrew, this country is lost. If somebody has had their phone tapped illegally, then they accept money through an out of court settlement, on the basis that they remain silent, then I am sorry, the recipient of any such money is just as bad as the illegal phone tapper, they have had their silence bought. I regard this as corruption, the use of injunctions to force silence on the innocent because the politicians don't like what they say is, in the long term, going to bring down the whole of society. Trust me Andrew, these are shameful days.

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